History of Lowman Hill
Lowman Hill has had three buildings, the current Lowman Hill School is a third generation. The first was a large two-story frame building built around 1887 and was located at the corner of Jewell and Munson Streets after the first Lowman Hill Methodist Church was built in what was virtually an undeveloped area west of the city. In 1890 the Lowman Hill area was annexed to Topeka and along with it the school.
On July 20, 1900, the school was destroyed by fire. At that time, it was believed that the school was destroyed by an arsonist. The fire department was unable to find water any closer than a hydrant on the corner of Tenth and Buchanan. The building had been insured for 2,400, but the cost to replace it was 6,000. The stone steps were saved and later became part of a residence at that corner.
After the fire a large vacant house at Tenth and Garfield, known as Campbell Court, was used as a school, and some students were sent to Polk and Clay Schools. A few months later, the house burned down under even more mysterious circumstances. Oddly enough, a third fire was started in the basement of the next school soon after it was built, but fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly. Since the school was integrated, some believed that the local Ku Klux Klansmen were responsible for the fire.
The next school was built in 1901 and occupied the following year. It was an eight-room structure erected at 11th and Mulvane. There were four rooms with modern furniture, steam heat, city water and scientific ventilation. The Lowman PTA was responsible for a number of building improvements and raised money for the school through annual carnivals. This building had an office and four classrooms on the first floor. The second floor had three classrooms and an auditorium and the basement had three classrooms. The school was torn down in 1958 to make room for a new Lowman Hill Elementary School which took its place.
The new one-story structure contains 14 general classrooms plus a kindergarten room, a multipurpose room, health room, library, and administrative office suite. It has a 480 pupil capacity. Total contracts for general construction, plumbing, heating and electrical came to $369,987. The new school was dedicated in mid April 1959. The library in the new school was named for Redicia C. Engholm, a former teacher at Lowman Hill for many years.